Here I will report on my two very exciting beginnings and endings. To begin, I have a first baby item, a snuggly blanket:
However, this is only a sort-of first, because I still have about a bajillion ends to weave in, as you can see:
The only reason why this project reached semi-completion is because (a) I started it well over a year ago (no particular recipient in mind), and (b) it was the most mindless project I could come up with. My knitting has languished over the past six months, and I fear that without this relatively simple project, I would have failed to have done any knitting at all. As it is, I am sure that I went weeks without picking up any project, though I am hoping to make up for that inattention to crafting over this summer.
And to end, this is my last day at school.
Only, it's a sort-of-last day, because I still need to clean out my desk and check out of the department. And it's not even my official last day of doing business, because I have a meeting to attend later this week (though technically not on campus, which is why I am considering this my sort-of last day at school).
So there it is. Two exciting, momentous bookends. A sort-of beginning and a sort-of ending. And just think, you will have your very own beginning and end in about . . . four months! Hooray for us.
Take care, Amy. I might send you some spoons so you have a more effective means of eating your yogurt.